Just look at it.
It is the best thing that I ate on my recent DINNERGEDDON visit to Berlin, Germany.
(Not Berlin, USA...)
It came from the excellent White Trash Fast Food, which is not just a killer burger joint, but also a live music venue, night club, and late night tattoo parlour!
Hmm. Can't think of anything that could possibly go wrong with having a rock club and tattoo parlour under the same roof...
On the subject of this incredible Octopus Burger, the White Trash menu has this to say:
"100% yummy, funny looking food. In Puglia, everyone eats it. Young and old people, even the McDonalds there serve the 'Tentacle Supreme Burger'. Now we bring civilisation to the primitive Berliner food ghetto. One whole octopus, marinated, grilled, and served on a bun with Fuck You fries..."
That kinda says it all.
When they say "one whole octopus" they mean it! This thing was HUGE! It was also exceptionally well cooked. Light, soft, not rubbery or overcooked at all. I seriously could eat about a hundred of these.
In fact, I was so busy eating it, I only took the one photo of it... But here's the same picture again so you can get another look at this beauty!
I mean... DAMN.
If this food was a film, it would definitely be: